Workshop Offerings

Anti-Oppression Topics:

  • Item descriThis session will support participants in exploring the impact that fatphobia and beauty standards have had on their lives and the lives of young people. Through the work of Sonalee Rashatwar and Sonya Renee Taylor, participants will grapple with content related to how bodily hierarchy exists in our society in the ways we deem some bodies superior and others disposable.ption

  • This session will allow space for participants to explore how their positionality and social identities (race, gender, sexuality, class, dis/ability, etc) impact the way they show up in the world and in their work

  • This 3 part series will explore how white supremacy culture manifests within our bodies and our relationships with each other, and look at multiple frameworks to interrogate and disrupt it.

  • This training will explore tools and strategies for white folks to interrogate the ways that white supremacy culture shows up in our work and practice, and move us from self-reflection to sustained collective action.

  • This introductory session will explore somatics and embodiment as a tool to move us towards liberatory practices in our everyday life. It will support participants in developing tools and strategies to engage in these practices while understanding the context of white supremacy and capitalism that has led to our collective disembodiment.

  • This 3 part series will support participants to expand their understanding of somatic strategies within a social and political context. Participants will experience somatic exploration and increase access to the fullness of their humanity while examining the ways that systems of harm have led to our conditioning and collective disembodiment . Through embodied activities, journal reflections, discussion, racial affinity spaces, and art, participants will deepen their understanding of the ways that vulnerability, resilience, change, and collective care, contribute to our healing while also impacting the world around us.

  • This workshop will support participants to identify and define white supremacy culture and expand their understanding of how their social identities (race, gender, sexuality, class, etc) might give them access to power and privilege.

  • This training will explore the foundational concept of white supremacy culture and its roots in colonization. Participants will examine the ways that white supremacy culture overtly and covertly teaches us that whiteness holds value, and explore ways to interrupt it. By using the work of Tema Okun, participants will learn about each characteristic of white supremacy culture and identify the role that these characteristics play in their work.

  • This training will provide participants with an overview of the ways that we have collectively been shaped by the gender binary and gender norms. Participants will reflect on their own socialization into the gender binary and how it has shaped them today

  • In this session, participants will explore the origins of toxic masculinity as a tool of colonization, racism, and patriarchy. Collectively we will look at the ways that rigid norms and ideas of masculinity have led to disproportionate violence against trans folks, anti-LGBTQ legislation, and gender based violence. We will collectively explore how to interrupt these narratives and move towards building positive masculine identities.

  • This session will support participants in exploring frameworks for creating affirming spaces, teams, and work places for queer and trans communities. Can be adapted to be centered around youth or adults.

  • This workshop for white teens explores the impacts of systemic racism on their peers and themselves, and supports them in identifying ways that they could leverage their privilege to take action against harmful systems. Together we explore the importance of white youth showing up and interrupting racism in this moment and beyond, and identify ways to become a co-conspirator in our work to disrupt white supremacy rather than becoming a passive ally.

  • This “training for trainers” session will support participants in exploring tools and strategies for facilitating conversations that center anti-oppression frameworks and liberatory facilitation.

Restorative Culture: Conflict, Harm, and Accountability Topics:

  • This training will support participants in developing further tools and strategies to support young people who are experiencing crisis and distress. Participants will practice de-escalation strategies together and work towards a deeper understanding of non-punitive and non-retaliatory intervention strategies.

  • Participants will explore their fears surrounding communication and feedback while exploring how power dynamics impact how we engage with one another. This training will offer frames to support courageous conversations and centering our relationships in our work.

  • This training will support participants to develop shared language related to conflict such as harm, misunderstanding, generative conflict, and accountability. Participants will engage in exploration of their own relationship to conflict, how they’ve personally been socialized to think about conflict, and the values they hold around navigating it. Through individual reflection, large group and small group discussions, and somatic activities, participants will explore the embodied ways that they respond to conflict while identifying frameworks to support them in leaning in and turning towards conflict when needed.

  • This training will offer frames around calling in as a way to interrupt and repair harm by centering our relationships and identities when moving through conflict. This session can be designed to strengthen team communication and culture.

  • This training will support participants to utilize an anti-oppression lens to respond to identity based conversations or identity based harm/bullying with their students. Participants will explore and discuss conversations that come up in their work with students and practice responding to those conversations from a non-punitive and liberatory framework.

“This was life changing.”

-Fatphobia, Beauty Standards, and Opting Out of Bodily Hierachies workshop participant

I offer workshops both as an individual and as a member of a multi-racial and multi-disciplinary team at Starshine and Clay Consulting and Awakening Kinship Collective. While the above are currently developed workshops, I am also excited by opportunities to consult with organizations to design new and tailored content.

As the nature of my services are highly individualized, I provide fee proposals to each client after our initial consultation.

“Mack is masterful in their facilitation skills. They have a magical ability to listen with care and encouragement, while also pushing others to think more deeply, go beyond their growing edges, and feel inspired to take action.”

- Jessica, She/Her, Interrupting White Supremacy at the Root workshop participant

Questions before booking a workshop? Get in touch.