About Me & My Work

"The kind of change we are after is cellular as well as institutional, is personal and intimate, is collective as well as cultural. We are making love synonymous with justice."

-Prentis Hemphill

About Me

Welcome folks! I’m Mack, a white queer non-binary organizer, coach, and facilitator living in Oakland, CA on unceded Lisjan Ohlone Land. I have spent the last nine years working as a mental health rehabilitation specialist within Hayward, Alameda, and Oakland Unified School Districts. During this time, I’ve worked at over a dozen public school campuses to support young people in receiving therapeutic and behavioral support in counseling enriched classrooms. Through this lens, I began to develop and lead workshops for teachers, parents, and school communities on healing centered frameworks, de-escalation strategies, fostering community, intersectionality, and creating affirming spaces for queer and trans youth.

I simultaneously began organizing with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) in 2016, an organization that mobilizes white people for racial justice as part of a multi-racial and Black-led movement. Through SURJ workshops, teach-ins, and 1:1 relationships, I began supporting people in developing skills and practice to interrupt the ways we socialize young people into white supremacy culture. Through this necessary work of dismantling white supremacy, I was offered a path towards beloved community, interdependence, and a positive white racial identity that was committed to building deeply loving and accountable relationships with other white folks as we work towards collective liberation.

It is through this work that led me here. I absolutely loved working with the amazing young people who allowed me to feel joy and laughter each day, and also felt the deep desire to continue facilitating liberatory spaces for the adults that support them. In order to be in this work long term, we need spaces that feel nourishing. We need community, and we need each other. It is my hope to create spaces where we can connect more deeply and feel a sense of belonging as we work towards building the liberated world we want to live in.

My Values

  • Through Black feminist and Indigenous wisdom, I’ve come to understand the deep connections between all living things. White supremacy and capitalism has created the conditions for us to be disconnected from one another and to exist individually. For the sake of humanity and our planet, we must divest from this individualism and collectively build communities rooted in care and liberation.

  • I believe that we are all bound by the harms of white supremacy, colonization, and capitalism, in very different ways. We all have something at stake in the fight to end these systems of violence, and all of our liberation is bound up together.

  • I believe that the spaces we create together should foster a sense of belonging and nourishment for all. We all belong in the fight for liberation. The world we want to live in is a world where folks feel nourished, loved, whole. Our spaces should reflect the world we are trying to build.

  • I value somatic practice as a tool of liberation. I believe that when we are in somatic alignment and are able to remain somatically centered when feeling under pressure, we are offered more choice with how we respond and are able to act in more alignment with our values. For white people, I believe that we must liberate our bodies from white supremacy, just as much as we must liberate our minds.


I have arrived where I am due to the deeply transformational relationships I’ve had with young people, teachers, beloveds, and family members. My work is deeply rooted in the wisdom from these relationships, as well as the spirit and brilliance of the freedom fighters that are at my side and back. While not a complete list, I’d like to lift up visionaries and movement leaders adrienne maree brown, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, bell hooks, Mariame Kaba, Sonya Renee Taylor, and the many freedom seekers who allowed me to see there's a more just world ahead of us. I also have deep gratitude for my white anti-racist lineage of Anna Blackshaw, Carla Wallace, Corri Frohlich, and Lo Wesely, who remind me that I belong in this fight. And finally, the somatic healers and teachers Prentis Hemphill, Resmaa Menakem, S. Rae Peoples, Dara Silverman, Ream, and the many offerings of Generative Somatics have forever transformed how I show up in this work. Without this lineage I'd still be living in my head and trying to think my way out of white supremacy, rather than working towards practicing and embodying my values of racial justice.


As a white person doing liberation and anti-racist work, I am committed to working towards centered accountability and practicing alignment between my actions and my values. As part of this commitment and in recognition of my living and working on occupied Ohlone lands, I pay the Shuumi Land Tax which supports the work of Sogorea Te Land Trust to rematriate the land and return indigenous land to indigenous people. I am also committed to centering the vision and the solutions of those most impacted by white supremacy in my work. This includes grounding myself in the vision of Black abolitionist organizations such as the Movement for Black Lives.

Lastly, I continue to foster my own growth and transformation through attending somatic processing spaces, trainings related to facilitating for liberation, and my ongoing relationships with anti-racist comrades and community who support me in acting in alignment with my liberatory values.

In addition to my individual services and coaching offerings, I engage in liberation based consulting, community organizing, coaching, and education with Starshine and Clay Consulting, Awakening Kinship Collective, Red Lotus Consulting, and SURJ Bay Area.


Training & Certification

  • Brothers on the Rise - Group Facilitation Program 2016

  • Certification - Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist 2017

  • Catalyst Project - Repression & Resistance Course for White Organizers 2017

  • Generative Somatics - Somatics for White Racial Justice Organizers Courses Level I & II 2020-2021

  • National Equity Project - Coaching for Equity Course 2022

  • AORTA Anti Oppression Resource and Training Alliance - Uprooting White Supremacy in Organizations & Facilitate for Freedom Fundamentals Training 2022

  • Spring Up’s Bluelight Academy - Liberatory Facilitation Retreat 2023

Let’s connect