Facilitator • Coach • Consultant

  • Workshops

    I offer equity centered trainings and workshops to organizations, mental health agencies, and school districts. Topics include anti-racism, supporting LGBTQ+ youth, interrupting identity based harms, and somatic based healing.

  • White Affinity Space Facilition

    Identity based affinity spaces can be a powerful tool as we work towards collective liberation. White affinity space can allow white folks to deepen into our anti-racist commitment, vulnerability, and build a community of love and accountability with other white people so that we can show up in alignment with our anti-racist values while in multi-racial spaces.

  • White Affinity Space Design

    I support teams and organizations in envisioning how a white affinity space might be a useful tool of change for their organization. This includes supporting content design, accountability practices, and strategy for implementation.

  • Consultation

    I offer opportunities to collaborate and consult with organizations to explore the equity needs within their specific context. I’m particularly skilled at designing new and tailored content related to somatics, fostering community, white anti-racism, healing spaces, and liberation.

  • Speaking

    I am always excited by opportunities to connect with folks at events related to equity and liberation. I’ve enjoyed being a panelist, moderating panels, doing narrative based interviews, and emceeing both weddings and community based events. Topics might include: whiteness and white anti-racism, supporting LGBTQ+ youth, somatic healing, queer liberation, school based mental health.

  • Coaching

    I support white individuals who are looking to deepen their commitment to anti-racism and collective liberation by using one on one coaching sessions. Together, we will create a space of compassion, vulnerability, and accountability as we explore tools and strategies to center and sustain an anti-racist practice.

“Mack embodies a wonderful combination of deep knowledge and welcoming spirit. They embodied that the work is work, but that we can find joy, community, and have fun together.”

-Diana, She/Her, Interrupting White Supremacy at the Root workshop participant